The premise of "Breakdown" is sort of cliched
but at least first time director Jonathan Mostow
brings a freh approach to it that makes it frightening.
Jeff and Amy Taylor (Kurt Russell, Kathleen Quinlan)
are moving from Massachusetts to San Diego to start
their lives over. On a long, deserted road, their
jeep breaks down. A seemingly nice truck driver
(J.T. Walsh) stops and offers to give them a ride
to the nearest town's diner so they can call
for help. Jeff decides to stay with the car and
Amy goes with the trucker.
Without giving too much away, Jeff eventually gets
the car working and heads off to the diner, from then
on, the film gets suspenseful, as we learn Amy is
being held somewhere untill Jeff can come up with
$90,000 to get her back.
"Breakdown" has some of the greatest stunts ever
to be put on film. The acting is great, especially
Russell, whose character is a departure from his
recent roles (Tombstone, Stargate) and J.T. Walsh,
is creepier here than he's ever been. Even though
Kathleen Quinlan isn't on screen much, she still
manages to make an impact on the movie.
In short, "Breakdown" is a great film. Go see it.
Rated R.