Snazzed-up `Star Wars' worth look

By Tim Burchett
Special to The Bakersfield Californian

The success of the return of the "Star Wars" trilogy earlier this year proved one thing: The Force is still with us.

If, like me, you are a hard-core "Star Wars" fanatic, you probably hated the notion of George Lucas going back and using today's CGI technology to update the originals. However, I suppose I can't blame him for wanting to improve on the technology he and the guys at Industrial Light And Magic had pioneered.

Among the many remastered scenes in "Star Wars" or "A New Hope" for you hard-core fans like myself, is the meeting of Jabba the Hutt and Han Solo (Harrison Ford). Originally, Jabba was fairly stationary and was played by an actor, but thanks to today's CGI, we get to see him walk.

Also, the finale of the first film is much sleeker now with the X-Wing Fighters zooming across the galaxy even faster.

"The Empire Strikes Back" has to be the slowest in the trilogy. Changes include an expanded sequence showing more of the ice beast on the planet Hoth which is a bit bloody for a PG movie. Also, the Cloud City scenes are given more life and intensified color.

In "Return Of The Jedi", a music video-like animation replaces the puppets originally in Jabba's lair. And the Ewoks' nice, but somewhat annoying ending celebration song is missing.

I loved "The Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition", but the originals will always be tops for me.

You have until Nov. 30th to buy the movies on video. (As of the original printing of this article anyway. The set is still available but in limited supply.)